9 May 2013

Iron Man 3 Revisited

I did say I would go see Iron Man 3 (2013) one more time and that is exactly what I did. So what is the final verdict? (If you've missed the first part here it is)

I have decided that in spite of everything, I like it. Perhaps because I want to - that is entirely possible - but when disregarding the trailer and also accepting that the film is not exactly like the comic books I did see a film I enjoyed.

This time around the one-liners did not seem as many as they appeared to be the first time around and the dialogue between Tony and the kid didn't seem as hopelessly badly scripted. That part is still not great by any stretch of the imagination but it is bearable; even bordering on amusing at times. It does have it's few golden moments too. (And at least I can personally overlook the few but right down terrible ones.)

The comedy did not go as much overboard as it first seemed, you just have to bee willing to not compare it to The Avengers.

When it comes to the weak parts in the plot that I mentioned I decided this time that some work and it really just comes down to perhaps two or three parts which are still annoyingly badly written. It's just the use of plot devices in a fashion for the sake of carrying the plot forward in a way that is just too convenient to let slide. It's something that catches you attention because it's too obvious that it's nothing but a device. It makes no real sense. Those moments are still too annoying to ignore and I just don't have it in me to let them slide. And there's still the deus ex machina. But if we - in spite of everything - decide to overlook these parts then the film is honestly pretty damn good.

If you look close enough it does follows the theme of the previous films and it has an underlying point. If you overlook a few minor details about the villain I must say I, in some aspects, prefer this one to the ones in the second Iron Man film. I do like the grand scale of this film. Especially in combination with the personal and intimate portrait of Tony Stark with the armour peeled off.

So my final verdict is; give it a chance. Or, even better, why not give it two? Or, indeed, three? And maybe you will find that the third time really is the charm!

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