24 February 2013

Humoristic Horror At Its Best

If you are a fan of the horror comedy genre you should most definitely see D.Kerry Prior's The Revenant (2009).

It's surprisingly well made when it comes to the story and acting. You would expect a special effects guy such as Prior to be all about the effects and perhaps not give that much thought to characterization and story telling. But you'd be mistaken for sure.

Of course the effects are wicked. That is sort of to be expected and Prior really delivers in that area. But the fact of the matter is that the storyline is alright - nothing breathtakingly brilliant but good enough (and hey, it's a horror comedy after all) - and the characters are very believable  Which is actually quite a feat seeing as the situation they find themselves in is extreme to say the least.

In short the film is centred around two friends and one of them happens to die. So far nothing strange. Thing is he also sort of happens to come back to life. Sort of. He is, well, decomposing I suppose would be the proper way to describe his state and they try to figure out exactly what kind of mythological being he really is. The obvious descriptions do not seem to match and in this film we actually get to see some strange new hybrid of two of our favourite undead creatures. (And I promise, no one sparkles in sunlight).

Everyone does a good job (especially David Anders and Chris Wylden) in this film and it's highly entertaining - I can almost guarantee you'll get at least a few good chuckles out of it! - and it's most certainly worth watching.

And, to those who are not fans of gore, well, I watched this with a small test audience and everyone thought it was a good and entertaining film. Even the sixty-year-old woman who had to look away during anything gory because she really did not like that enjoyed the film as a whole.

So, in conclusion, this film I am most definitely recommending to you guys! Enjoy!

(Note: The Revenant was released in 2012 in Sweden.)

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